Many people wrongly assume they only need a Trust if they have millions of dollars. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you own a home, have children, or even just have a bank account, chances are you would benefit from estate planning.
Trusts, Wills, and Powers of Attorney are useful estate planning tolls to help specify who will receive your assets and who will manage those assets upon your incapacity or death. We will work with you to determine how your assets should be preserved, managed, and distributed after death or in the event of incapacitation. Most importantly, the attorneys at Bearer Law will ensure your wishes are followed.
What’s included in a typical estate plan? Bearer Law customizes each estate plan to meet the individual needs, however generally the following is included:
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Health Care Power of Attorney and Advanced Directives
- Trust
- Last Will & Testament
- Ladybird Deed or other Property Deed